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© Bayernpark


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Experience exciting adventures in the Bayern-Park! Contemplative Child railways for the youngest, refreshing water rides and adventurous rides for the whole family, as well as fast-paced action in our Freischütz launch coaster make the Bavarian theme park an unforgettable family attraction. Four exciting new and exciting events such as the Great Storm Trooper meeting on August 16, waiting for you in the season of 2014. So let's go into the Bayern-Park - The leisure paradise for the whole family!

In addition to the numerous attractions at the theme park of the Bayern-Park invites each year to various events. Here, visitors can expect a varied program. In the various events and a highlight for you determines.
All events are absolutely family-friendly. Here not only the children but also fathers and mothers as well as the grandparents get their money. Sports, exercise, get-togethers and the intergalactic experience are again this year at the center.
No matter which event you choose, it will certainly be a unique experience that will be remembered for a long time. You should not forget your camera - it's always worth your loved ones with one of these adventures hold on an image. 

Water game world pirate island since 2017

Sparkling Water and exciting adventure for young and old pirates!

Duel of Eagles

From now on we go with our new Duel of Eagles high up on a breathtaking ride. Up to twelve passengers duel here during the flight with the individually controllable eagles to most rollovers and the title of "King of the Air".

The stone swirl

The stone brings eddy swirling fun for young and old in the Bayern-Park! The Zierer Kontiki in stone design in the L variant swirls with 24 people on a track length of 19 meters by the Bayern-Park.


Attention - in this fast-paced adventure trip you will get wet! But it is worth it to enter


If a stranger - the priceless treasures of the kingdom Thalonien store in the forbidden Tower Thaolon

King flight

Even higher, further, more beautiful - Double the fun in the new King flight in Bayern-Park

roller coaster

The roller coaster - a cute caterpillar - takes our guests on a unique journey


The paddle steamer chauffeured guests with a big red paddle around the Bayern-Park Lake.

Indoor Hallenburg Fellbach

Ideal for bridging small rain breaks - adrenaline, action and diverse recreational adventure for the whole family

Wildwater Rafting

This attraction has the same to offer several things

Olympus of Animals

sniff at the animal trail Olympus of animals, listen, jump and peer large and small participants with the animal kingdom to the bet.

Forest adventure playground

Under a shady canopy of forest adventure playground, where wooden towers, bridges, nets, slides and bars leaves nothing to climbing and game needs.

Twinbob toboggan run

For a small fee, it goes up the slope in the sledding. On the 600 meter long downhill the vehicle occupants can set their own pace. For the brave, it is quite fast.

rocking ship

Ahoy! The ride in the Viking Ship is not for landlubbers. In the giant swing boat feels like the old explorers, when they rustled in the storm of a big wave to the next.

swirling mushrooms

The Swirling mushrooms are Lower Bavaria schwindligste mushrooms and a carousel with high torque. At least you end up driving yourself mushrooms in the knees.


The butterfly dance is a wonderful carousel for the whole family. For those who are looking for a relaxing ride to enjoy after turbulent action.

Donkey riding school

The donkey riding school is an opportunity to experience the riding pleasure also in a different way. From the back of tame, electrically operated figures no one will shed determined.  

Tire slide - Tube Racer

A slippery pleasure ...

frog pendant

And the giant swing "frog pendant" it goes up widely. Up to four people can sit and enjoy with your own muscle power gravity.


As a wild carousel the Drachenbahn each visitor makes a fire under.

frog train

A wavy journey through the Bayern-Park promises the frog path. Water is not in the game, but a curvy ride with plenty of ups and downs is imminent in the children's roller coaster

Double wave slide

On the double wave slide it comes on a felt carpet quickly into the depths. Here both children as well as teens, mom and dad of pleasure can yield from slipping

Horse riding school

On the round course of horse riding school children can gain their first riding experience.


The Hubseilturm is an observation tower with a difference. Staircase there are none. By muscle power, the seats move up. the occupants are rewarded with a 360 degree view.


Incomparable lots of fun promises the trampoline of Bavaria Park. On the yellow networks can rumturnen you, jump and turn somersaults until a run out of steam.

Summer toboggan run

For a small fee, it goes into the sledding alone or with 350 meters down the mountain. How quickly everyone can decide for themselves. For the brave, it is quite fast.

slide tower

The climbing frame leaves plenty of room for the imagination of children who can come in different ways to one of the three tube slides with numerous conductors and rods.

Rail railway

The rail railway leads all guests a cozy round through the gardens of Bavaria Park. In open wagons, pulled by a locomotive, you can enjoy nature.


A ride in the halfpipe provides the Butterfly. The swing pendulum is a real amusement park classics!

Worm in the apple

For the youngest of the worm is in the apple a really well-rounded. Even with 90 cm size, children can ride the tireless "crawler Express". But beware: Drehwurm risk!

swan carousel

When Schwanenkarusell the majestic birds swim in a warm up and down around a set with dolphins fountain.

Rottaler Stockhaus

Also in the Bayern-Park include their own roots and the care of the local traditions. And so the 1626 first mentioned Rottaler story house already welcomes all visitors at the entrance of the park.

Station parking Tour

A quiet tour by Bayern-Park-Express is a good opportunity to explore the park and to select the favorite rides for children and parents.

Round boat trip through the castle and Grotto

The round boat ride in open gondolas on the water channel of an adorable, white castle should not be missed.


+49 (0) 8734-9298-0

Cost in euro: 



Fellbach 1
94419 Reisbach , BY
48° 31' 50.0088" N, 12° 38' 8.9304" E
Bayern DE

Age group: 




Indoor - Outdoor: 






Tuesday, 24 September, 2019 - 22:29

Für das Alter gibt es ja wenig in der Größe und mit so viel Abwechslung, aber einige der Attraktionen werden auch von anderen Anbietern besser und grösser umgesetzt. Die Wasserspiele im legoland sind zwar toll, aber können nicht mit der Therme Erding konkurrieren. Und wenn die Kinder mehr auf Fahrgeschäfte abfahren, dann gibt es auch bessere Parks wie das Oktoberfest, lokale Volksfeste oder der Euopapark in Rust.

Ich finde das gesamte abwechslungsreiche Angebot macht das Legoland attraktiv und konkurrenzlos. Wenn wir mal Lust auf was spezielles haben, dann fahren wir in die Therme Erding oder ins  Airhopp oder zum Bouldern in einen der Indoor Boulder Hallen.

Grüße Azra

Comment count: 2
Monday, 2 September, 2019 - 14:44


ja das Legoland ist unserer Meinung nach auch der beste Freizeitpark in Deutschland für Kinder. Wobei Du ja noch eine Menge von den Attraktionen ausgelassen hast. Unserer Kinder lieben vor allem den Ninjago Kampf in 3D wo man nebenbei noch eine Strecke mit einem Wagen wie in einer Geisterbahn fährt. Die Drachenachterbahn an der Burg liegt auf Platz zwei und dann kommen die Kletterparks und der neue Wasserspritz Wettkampf in dem Pharaonen Bereich. Alle anderen coolen Freizeitparks, die wir kennen sind eher für Jugendliche attraktiver.

Liebe Grüße Kimberly

Comment count: 2

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