Amusement Park Märchenwald
Submitted by Reinhard Roderer on
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Great fun, great news and numerous attractions await you and your whole family! More than 20 fairy tales with over 260 moving figures delight young and old. The tales are told at your fingertips in German or English.
The fairytale park season starts just before Easter and ends in October. Opening times: 9:00 to 18:00. Doors open until 16:00 operating times of the rides 10:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 5:45 p.m., every 15 minutes. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays and during the Bavarian holiday rides from 10:00 until 17:45 in continuous operation. In bad weather are subject to change us. With continuous rain of the Fairy Tale Forest is unfortunately closed. Dogs are not allowed in the park.
52 tale scenes with a total of 260 speaking and moving figures (German and English).
Here children's hearts laugh later: The slide paradise invites to roaring slide down from different heights. An unforgettable fun.
Short break complacent in the discovery of our fairy tale world? For a ride to the wild boar-riding school tired feet are protected and the funny bone overused.
the rapid ride Oachkatzl roller coaster waiting for the more adventurous. Get in and hold on!
Who wants to be really even while spinning, should definitely not miss the flowers vertebrae. Fun for the whole family.
celebrate children's birthday
A birthday should be "everything" - but boring. Therefore, we offer something very special tree houses to celebrate! Of course you can still our traditional birthday rooms, the so-called birthday boxes available. But what child does not dream of a birthday party, which may take place in up to 6 m in height. Especially since this attraction is only accessible birthday guests.
Celebrate in the tree house
- The goblin hut for 10 - 12 people
- The Fairies Nest for 10 - 17 people
- The Magic Castle for 15 - 24 people
Only 10 paying people a treehouse can be reserved for a birthday party!
Unique 12.00 € rent for the tree house and € 10.00 admission .
Upon request, 5,00 € per person für's food and drink.
At the entrance you will receive a combination of numbers that only makes you access to our attraction possible and ensures an undisturbed get-together. The tree houses are not common, but only available for reserved groups .
Celebrate the birthday boxes
The Geburtstagsbox for 10 - 14 people
all day with or without food *. The birthday boxes are not general but only available for reserved groups!
Unique 6.00 € rent + 10.00 € key deposit
on request € 5.00 per person für's food and drink. * The food includes either: Schnitzel, 1 pair of Vienna, Chicken crossies each with fries or bread plus always a 0.3L Getränk.Das birthday girl gets free entry and must not pay for the food, if you can show the card ,
Here you can download a Geburtstagsbox reserve.
Drive as often as you want! The inclusive price makes it possible! Upon payment of the entrance fee, you can use all the facilities as often as you whim. It has put on a day of full of fun and variety.
You can pay by credit or debit cards with us also like.
- Adults: 13,00 €
- Children over 85 cm Height: 12,00 €
- Children under 85 cm Height: Free admission
- The age of 60: € 12.00
For children up to 14 years of admission on their birthday upon presentation of the card is free.
For all children who have birthdays in winter: Celebrate your birthday along with free entry to us in the spring! With Euerem card simply get between Palm Saturday and Holy Thursday (19.03.2016-24.03.2016) at the cash free entry!
Group prices on request by telephone: +49 (0) 8171 41 87 928
ja das Legoland ist unserer Meinung nach auch der beste Freizeitpark in Deutschland für Kinder. Wobei Du ja noch eine Menge von den Attraktionen ausgelassen hast. Unserer Kinder lieben vor allem den Ninjago Kampf in 3D wo man nebenbei noch eine Strecke mit einem Wagen wie in einer Geisterbahn fährt. Die Drachenachterbahn an der Burg liegt auf Platz zwei und dann kommen die Kletterparks und der neue Wasserspritz Wettkampf in dem Pharaonen Bereich. Alle anderen coolen Freizeitparks, die wir kennen sind eher für Jugendliche attraktiver.
Liebe Grüße Kimberly